Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm thinking about friends this morning as I catch up on other's writings and realizing how many spheres of people I love are out there. It feels like a chart of circles, one that has many circles that cross over one another, a venn diagram I believe it is called. Except instead of 3 layers it has multiple layers and with depth and thicker strands at many points. Which has always felt like a gift to me but lately has overwhelmed me at times. Not knowing where to focus my energy and give my heart.

I was reminded recently that because we are created in the Image of a triune God, community is something that is inherent in us. There is community in the Godhead, so there is a longing for community in me. So I am going to keep digging in, pushing through my questions about where I fit and where I should serve and how deeply I want to love. Because I think it is pushing me to love God more and ask Him how to be transparent and abandon my sometimes pursuit through life as Little Miss Independent.

still wanting to hear from more of you on your insight on women's friendships...see the post below for details and lay it all out there!

1 comment:

  1. Bek... would love for you to join me downtown Holland! I'm hanging with the fam over the weekend, but maybe we can plan a coffee date sometime next week, I have your number, so I'll call you soon!
