Sunday, September 12, 2010

lullabies and line-dancing

Yes, something sweet and something Southern, all in one weekend and the combo made for a great Saturday from beginning to end. The first being Michelle's baby shower thrown by yours truly in honor of her little baby boy coming in October. I loved being able to share Michelle's joy with many of the friends she has met since moving to Holland 5 years ago. More pics to come of the day and the little bird/nesting theme that surrounded the celebration but for now, here is one of BrieAnna, Michelle & I.

And if that weren't enough excitement for a rainy September day, our Youth Group Fall Kick Off was planned long before we knew the weather and I was so happy with the way it turned out despite the rain. We held it at Post Family Farm and descended on the place with thirty-some high schoolers, chili and cider and our dancing shoes. It was originally set to be a square dance but some last minute changes turned it into a line dance. After the first one was "cupid shuffle"...I knew it would be more than alright. Here is a picture of me and my cowboy which Ryan affectionately titled "Gap Goes Cowboy" or something of the like:

Some other fun pictures from the night:

I still secretly think that half of the fun of doing youth group is being with the other leaders and sometimes we sneak off for a few minutes for our own little pow-wow. It's just nice to be part of a team where everyone loves to be together and I don't want to take that for granted. Here is my partner Jana & I working our moves on the barn floor...YeeHaw!

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