Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Wednesday was a good day- it always is because it a begins with our weekly prayer time & team meeting at CapTrust. Something I missed on a deep level while I was on my 8 month hiatus from that place. If you check out the team, insert me 2nd row right, between Ryan & Shanon. I missed the full out photo shoot while I was busy being unemployed twice & figuring things out. (however, I am still in the website mockup) shot.

In thinking about what to write in a current profile for myself as I am integrated back in & crossing my fingers no one asks if I can get my picture taken until I get some summer sun on my pale face... a few things come to mind but I would rather inventory the full scope of my life for introspection. Cause this is my open canvas, so I guess I have the right to. Here we go:

Rebekah Wallace:
contented wife
dog lover
older sister
emotionally sensitive...crier
worker bee
people-pleaser/peace maker
daughter of the King
lover of laundry!

Quick Stats:
-Might be found solving the worlds problems daily over a cup of tea or coffee when not working, check JP's and if I am not there, check Panera Bread on the North side.
-Curiously seeking the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer

Through all of this continued processing in our lives, I am learning to be a student of Ryan as are a few things I think I might find on his profile:

Ryan Wallace:
passionate disciple
husband seeking to lead
great sense of humor
shower singer- seems to favor David Crowder tunes.

What about you? What would you write on your current "profile" of you and where you are at?


  1. My fellow dog lover.. I love you and all your wonderful characteristics! :)

  2. I always think it is so tough to sum myself up in a list of words, I way over-analyze it.... hats off to you, you like doing laundry?!!
