Monday, November 29, 2010

lists, leftovers and longings

I know I am few days late on my Thanksgiving list but I think we can always practice thankfully thinking, hence my blog name. So here are a few items that made the list this year as we had the chance to write a few on a brick & build a monument of thankfulness like we do each year at our church's Thanksgiving service.

--our new niece born just two days before the holiday
--the chance to be parents together--so thankful for this one!
--our trip to Israel this year and how much it impacted us

I always love to see the bricks stacked one upon another, a physical representation of God's faithfulness in a year filled with so many with struggles and joy for each family represented. It felt good to be able to see the pillars of goodness build something substantial out of corporate thankfulness.

After the Thanksgiving meal itself was enjoyed, we spent the majority of the last few days at home with quiet space to craft, wrap a few presents and all the while enjoy the fruits of others' cooking labors....leftovers! Quite possibly as good as the first time around. I keep thinking about this time next year, of how different it will be to have a little baby around and quite honestly, I can't wait!

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