Thursday, October 28, 2010

please, read this

In my continued voracious appetite for words as of late, I came across a book worthy of attention that I wanted to share:

"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett was a wonderful picture into southern life in a different time, that of women having full-time house help and the relationships between those women and those who truly served them with their lives. My eyes were opened not only to the lifestyle, the inequalities and the trials, but also the joys and the gladness shared. It was an offering of thought that maybe our human experiences are closer than we think in some ways. I ate up every one of the 464 pages in a matter of 5 short days. I know, this means I didn't do much else besides sleep, work and eat in those days but it was that good.

I have believed for a long time that words are important and have taken a sabbatical from creating my own words, something that re-reading "Bittersweet" before Monday's event with Shauna Niequist has reminded me is vital to my lifeblood, even if just for my own personal expression. Something inside me opens up when I read good words, whether it be on blogs, on page or in God's word. So I am committing to diving back into my own words on paper, giving them attention again and seeing where the pen takes me.

What words have you read lately that mean something to you?

1 comment:

  1. I need to get this book! I have heard a lot of good things about it. May be I should get a babysitter too so I can read it:)
